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Financial Integrity
Turlock Garden Club is organized exclusively for charitable purposes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The objectives of this club shall be to stimulate the knowledge and love of gardening, to aid in the protection of native trees, plants, and birds, to encourage civic planting, and to support charitable causes through donations related to the above-mentioned objectives.
Our History
Turlock Garden Club was founded by Mrs. Gerald James on July 29, 1948. Over the years the Club has worked with the city planners in a continuing program to help beautify Turlock.

1949 Oleanders planted at South Highway approach to Turlock.
1950 Flower seeds planted along highway and around Fairgrounds
1951 Six roses planted at the firehouse at Orange and Flower Streets
1952 Two trees were planted at Fairgrounds
1953 Two red climbing roses planted at the firehouse
1955 Trees planted on two new school grounds
1956 Club recommended to city that Crepe Myrtle be city tree. It was accepted.
1957 Crepe Myrtles planted in Central Park
1959 A Crepe Myrtle planted at park at Marshall and Minaret Streets
1960 Two Fruitless Mulberry trees planted at Chathom School
1963 Start of a four year continuing project of planting 120 Carob trees and 330
Pyrancanthus along Canal Drive
1964 Trees and shrubs purchased for the Fair booth were donated to Emanual Hospital.
1966 $25 was donated to landscaping the new North Park and 8 Crepe Myrtles were
planted in the parking lot of Lee’s.
1968 Eight Magnolia trees planted in Crane Park and five Redwood trees donated to
Donnelly Park. Crepe Myrtles and Star Jasmine were planted at the entrance to the
new Turlock Library. The Junior Garden Club donated 4 Birch trees and 2 Azalias for
the children’s patio.
1971 $500 donated to purchase and plant flowers, shrubs, trees, ivy and lawn turf at the
Turlock Senior Citizen’s Center.
1973 $100 donated to plant a rose garden in Donnelly Park
1976 An 8 ft. Blue Spruce tree was planted in the new Sunnyview Park to commerate
Arbor Day.
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